Sweet Tins

Bellamy’s Hunting Tin
Blue Bird Snow Bunnies Tub
Blue Bird Rodent Express Tub
Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate Assorted Nuts
Cardale’s Buttercup Toffee
Cremona Toffee Nature by Sir Thomas Lawrence
Cremona Toffee Sweet Mistress Prue
CWS Cardinal Chocolates
Dainty Dinah Beaten Bronze Tin
Dainty Dinah Egg Shaped Tin
Dainty Dinah Gold Tin with Hearts
Dainty Dinah Reynolds Tin
Dainty Dinah Tortoiseshell Tin
Derbyshire’s 1950s Cute Elephant Casket
Horners Blue Boy Highland Assortment
J Phillips & Co King George V & Queen Mary 1911
Lovells Large Dutch Family Tin
Mackintosh’s 1930s/40s Glamour Girl
Mackintosh’s Dick Whittington
Mackintosh’s Baby Tin oval
Mackintosh’s Quality Street Autumn Leaves Tin
Parkinsons Coaching Cube
Parkinsons Santa is Coming
Pascall Yachts at The Needles
Rowntrees Kit Cat Chocolates Butterflies & Daisies
Rowntrees King George V & Queen Mary 1911
Sharps Beau Brummell Costume Tin 1954
Sharps Pocket Tin with Elizabethan Galleon
Sharps Slide Top Heraldic Unicorn of Scotland
Thornes Pin Up Girl with a Martini Tin
The Penguins The Pirates & The Casket of Toffees
Toy Soldiers